Giving Back
Kasta is more that an outlet for creativity or statement jewelry pieces. Kasta's owners are women of faith and are devoted to giving back to others. This is why a portion of kasta's proceeds go to two incredibly worthy local non-profits. When you choose kasta, you are helping improve the lives of people within our community and around the world.
Fix It Forward Auto Care is a full service auto shop that funds their non-profit, Fix It Forward Ministry. This ministry provides free car repairs and donates vehicles to needy members of the community. Without reliable transportation, it is difficult to get or maintain a job, and without a job, it is hard to maintain your independence and dignity. This creates challenges when trying to get to work, get kids to daycare and it is especially challenging for single parents. Transportation issues are huge in our community and the need is overwhelming. As a non-profit, Fix It Forward Ministry utilizes volunteer labor, discounted parts, and charitable donations to cover the costs of repairs.